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Old 06-01-2006, 12:02 AM   #12
Nickatilynx should edit this
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Excellent Morgan....

It should always be about the money!

I never shirk to tell people i own several hundred adult sites.

Though ,I've never classed myself as a pornographer. I'm an" internet marketer."

I posted in 96/97 on Ynot that I will send traffic to the highest bidder. I'll send to donkeycumguzzlingbitches...or Taylor Made Golf.Whoever pays me the most.I'm a traffic whore. If someone needs converting traffic I can garner it.And when they NEED it they pay more.

Adult has not been worth my while to send to in years.

But I certainly never hide my adult roots. ;-))

So I'm hardly in adult anymore not through fear of being a pariah or anything else...merely there isn't enough money.

Hell , as a ROKSO spammer I am in many elements of the internet considered a pariah anyway. ;-)))

Its fun being the bad guy , isn't it ;-))
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