Originally posted by Rictor
Well, personally, I hate the cold and snow, so I'd move somewhere that's warm all year round.
If you like cold winters, you could move somewhere south of Indianapolis. You've got the huge Hoosier National Forest and lots of 200 year old houses. Most of the school systems are good...as long as you live in a nice neighborhood...since in Indiana public schools are paid for with property taxes. Also, Indiana has one of the lowest costs of living in the country. Real estate is practically free here when compared to other parts of the country. For the same amount you'd spend on a 1 bedroom condo in Los Angeles, you could get a 10-bedroom mansion on 20 acres of land here.
Ah...Indianapolis! I haven't been there in over 20 years, but when I went the city had just completed a total cleanup and beautification campaign. I swear, it looked as if someone had come out and scrubbed the streets then planted flowers wherever they'd fit. I was *most* impressed. I liked Indiana as a whole. It's true what you said...coming from California, for the price of a home one could probably by a town...or at least a block.
Land is a dream destined to be unfulfilled, unless we hit the lottery or something. I'd love to own land...lots of it, where I could grow things, raise animals, have a big, old farmhouse...that would be wonderful.