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Old 06-01-2006, 06:42 PM   #10
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Thank you, Nick. I knew you'd be proud of my rather automatic mercenary feelings. (I liked it, it felt good...I've never really been able to do the "yes, fine and all, but what's in this for ME?" before, but apparently, something kicked in.)

I went to his website, then sent him an email explaining what was wrong and how his site designer was no doubt going to have absolute kittens when I was done giving advice. (For fuck's sake, the site not only has FLASH it has SOUND. Ouch.) I told him his keywords were all wrong and he'd get tagged by the search engines for spamming. I can't wait for the "how did you know *that*?" moment. Ah, the wonders of "view source" and the number of people who don't know about it....

He needs a writer badly. Luckily...I know one....
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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