My electrician called me three times yesterday. Boy, give a guy a few hours of pleasant conversation and he's yours for life! (There's a moral there, I like to think.)
He wanted to make sure that the service I got from everybody else involved in the saga of my air conditioner was up to par. According to his standards...they weren't. He'd already drilled into me "this is a
continuation of my service call, so you should
NOT have to pay another copay to the insurance company!" (I so would not have known that.) He also had me call the insurance company back and sound as sick as possible and request that they speed the fan motor along as the heat was causing my pain to go through the roof. (I did and nearly scared myself. I sounded like I had one foot over the threshold to Death's Door. It's true though. Fibro + heat = BAD.) *sigh* I'll get a new fan motor next week...should I live so long.
Thanks for your support, guys.

I made a mental list of all the people in my life that know me only partially. Sadly, my siblings are at the top of the list. When I found my own spiritual path and the intense joys and comforts thereof, I never told them. I didn't want to have the "YOU converted to Judaism and is there anyone else in your bloodline who yelled "Mazel Tov!" louder or who always sends cards on all the right holidays and who never sends 'Christmas' gifts but ALWAYS sends Hanukkah gifts?!?!?!?" with my sister after she popped a vein that I'd converted to Wicca. (In fairness, I didn't tell another dear friend that I'd converted for a long time, either, for fear she wouldn't understand. I was grossly unfair to her. When her boyfriend's Mom was dying, I got a panicked e-mail that said "please do whatever it is you do in such circumstances." She not only supported...she believed.) So, maybe I'm being unfair to my sister. However, I did tell her a long time ago what sort of sites I built expecting her support on the money angle if nothing else...and didn't get it. I've noticed that my sis is a tad judgemental and opinionated over the years.
I like being me. I don't do things of which I'm ashamed so I shouldn't have to hide them.