Thank you, gnat!
I've always been proud of what I do, too, and have gotten the opportunity to explain it at length (why I'm proud, I mean) to a few people. Oddly, they were also the people I was doing it *for.* When I did phone sex, I considered myself the ultimate in "safe sex." Nobody was going to catch some deadly disease from me; they weren't going to get rolled in an alley; it was THEIR damned cock and they could play with it if they wanted. The married guys were not "having sex with another woman." I told more than a few that I may not know all there is to know about sex but the one thing I was positive about was that you had to be in the same room to do it. (I also got a lot of mileage out of "I don't know how big your dick is but I doubt it's 3000 miles long.")
I also helped a lot of guys understand why they had the fantasies they did. (To the absolute bewilderment of my boss, who occasionally used to say "just fuck them, Morgan, don't analyze them!!"

) That was always part of my "service," though. Once they came, the meter was off and they could chat for a few minutes for free. (I worked for a very classy and good outfit.) That's usually when the "mental health" part of the project came in.
Guys who read my stories and get off - or women, or couples - aren't going to get ill, hurt, or lie to anybody just to get some relief. They're just doing what comes very naturally. I may not get credit for the score, but I do get credit for the assist.
We live in a society that despises sex yet uses it to sell every damned thing from toothpaste to cars to beer.
I don't understand it at all.