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Old 06-07-2006, 02:28 PM   #11
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Originally Posted by Trouble Tonya
HI FB and gang- I dont know if this cure will work in Canada or not, but it worked down here in sunny Arizona.... You take equal amounts of warm flat beer and epsom salt and mix it up in a container until the epsom salt is disolved most of the way, then you get one of those garden sprayer containers (you know the ones that you get at the hardware store and attach to the hose) and put your mixture in the container and attach it like you normally would and spray down your yard with it. This will keep the mosquitos away for 3-6 months when done correctly- I am pretty sure in that time frame you will be under snow again so it wont matter.
You know after reading this, I can just picture Evil Chris setting up a mini lab in his garage. When the mixture is "just right", he'll exchange his white lab coat for one those industrial back pack things pest control people use that make them look like the Ghostbusters, and he'll be walking around his property on a mission to whipe out the mosquito population. He'll be walking around his yard, mumbling to himself, "I'm going to get you now you little blood suckers!", as he drenches each inch of the yard. Then after the mission is complete, he'll be sitting on his new deck, feet propped up, drinking a beer, grinning from ear to ear at the job well done.
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