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Old 06-07-2006, 03:52 PM   #3
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Mediachick...this question was once raised elsewhere, and I answered with one word: TondaB.

All programs send out monthly newsletters. Her's were well written, funny, and a delight to read. Hence, I made certain that I always read them. (I confess that more than a few program newsletters spend a second in my inbox then are deleted. The info is on the site, so I ignore the newsletters.)

I once described how I designed freesites and asked for a specific banner size. The banner was designed and hit my inbox. I was intensely grateful.

She was enormously approachable. Easy to talk to. Very easy to ask questions. I never felt like an idiot asking her things. She did "special" things for her affiliates.

There are a lot of affiliate managers who do the same. WEGRuth and some chick named Funbrunette - I forget where she works, it's around here somewhere - are the same.

I also think that free content that *isn't* used to make the free galleries sponsors provide would be nice. It rather sucks to put in the time and effort to make one's own freesite or gallery then discover that a million other webmasters have merely submitted a URL with the same pics.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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