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Thread: I need a boss
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Old 06-08-2006, 10:57 AM   #1
jacobkell is bla
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Default I need a boss

I have been in adult biz for years,but i earned only 250$ on one forum and nothing else.Problem is this bussines is what you are you own boss.and when you are own boss then you must force yourself to work and you cant.
I simply either toolazy either dont have will either dont have will.
At this present moment i have a caffe bar but in latest time money coming is extremly low and there will no be possible to maintan this caffe bar beacuse fixed costs at month are 2000$ and for that need a sold atleast 4000$ beverage value to cover that cost.So i need to have someone who is expirienced in adult biz and who earn atleast 2000$ mothly,i mean who is succesful in this bussines.I have potential to earn a lot of money in this bussines beacuse i understud computers very good,i can practicly create anything as longest i have will for it.
For beggining it will be enough 200$ mothly to cover cost of internet(here in Croatia internet is expensive)and enough for cover living cost its 1000$ monthly.
Even there is a lot of resources and tutorials there are no step by step tutorial which will show how much can be earned and howmuch are expenses.
I need to that quickly beacuse at this present moment i live with parent and they will not be able to helping me forever.
So if anyone willing to help it will be good.
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