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Old 06-08-2006, 11:32 AM   #5
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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When I was 16, I worked 40 hours a week in a factory one summer labelling and pricing misc. products. It was hot, dirty, and boring. Most of the women cursed worse than drunken sailors and they spent most of their time going into graphic detail about their sex lives. Most times it wouldn't bother me at all, but just the mental images of some of these people giving someone a blowjob was enough to make one vomit. Many of my co-workers had hygiene habits that left a lot to be desired. I was 16 and very naive to how the real world actually was. I got a real education that summer. It was the longest 3 months of my entire life. I couldn't wait for summer to be over and school to begin again. After that experience, I was determined to keep my grades up and actually care about education. No way in hell was I going to end up working in a shit hole like that again.
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