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Old 06-08-2006, 12:00 PM   #7
MorganGrayson should edit this
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When I was in my very early twenties, I got a little job picking up extra money by cleaning apartments in the complex in which I lived. My job was to go in after the people had moved out and clean the place up so that the painters could come in. I worked with a nice girl who also lived in the complex.

Now, I've moved a lot in my life. I know the routine. Pack up all your stuff, get it out, then move in like a fiend with the cleansers, scrubbers, mops, vacuum, etc., etc., and make the place as spotless as possible. One simply doesn't leave a mess. It's...rude.

I thought everyone did that.

Holy shitfuck, was I ever wrong.

I actually had to hold on to my work partner while she vomited and had the screaming heebie jeebies after encountering the largest contingent of maggots ever seen in a refrigerator.

Cleaning up after assholes was the worst job I ever had.

The stupidest job I ever had was working for a British texting service. Basically, it was chatting with Brits - and pretending to be one - as they typed back on their cell phones. Now, if one can manage to have cyber sex while typing on a cell phone one has an impressive dedication to cyber sex. I got paid 7 cents a word. As I never write anything short, the money was good. I worked there about 6 months.

At one point, someone asked me what I had planned for that Saturday. For some damned reason, I said repairing my bathroom faucet. I got back the message "what is a 'faucet'?" Oh, shit, I thought, and IM'd my boss to ask "what's British for 'faucet'?" Taps. Ah.

Luckily, I had been previously informed where the "fanny" was in the UK or there could have been real trouble.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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