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Old 06-08-2006, 03:11 PM   #1
leedsfan should edit this
God's third leg
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Default Attention Webmasters!!

We've got good news, and we've got GREAT news!

First, the good news! We've added 5 new hosted gallery content
folders for our Meet My Secretary ( http://www.meetmysecretary.com )
Reality, Asian, "job interview" site. These new hosted gallery
content folders include images from our latest episodes, so you know
they're fresh, exclusive, and ready to convert! Maja Lee, the "star"
of Meet My Secretary, pulls out all the stops when it comes to
interviewing her wanna-be interns and secretaries. She takes it
pretty much every way she can...and dishes it out too! If your
surfers are looking for dirty, nasty, sweaty, hardcore Asian, Inter-
racial, guy/girl, or girl/girl sex, this is the site you should be
sending them too! Seriously...
If you've got Asian Reality site traffic, throw it towards Meet My
Secretary and make some cash! This week it's converting 1:106, so if
you send it some good traffic, you WILL make money!

We've also got updates for our other exclusive, one of a kind sites
that are just waiting for your traffic:

MaskTV: REAL Reality content staring REAL people.
http://www.masktv.com (converting 1:108 this past week)

Maidens Of MaskTV: Hot solo girl content.
http://www.maidensofmasktv.com (converting 1:186 this past week)

Troys Top Tips: Devious sexual tips and tricks for the Gay market.
http://www.troystoptips.com (converting 1:151 this past week)

And now, the GREAT news....

This weekend; June 9th to June 11th, we're rewarding ALL of our
webmasters with a 100% Rev Share Weekend!!! That's right, all initial
sign ups to our sites from your traffic, will make you a 100% Rev
Share Payout. This, combined with our 50% recurring rev share payout,
is a total win/win for you, so you just KNOW that sending us joins
this weekend will not only make you serious cash right off the bat,
but will keep making you money further on down the road!
Plus, if , at the end of the weekend, you've sent us 20 sign ups,
we'll increase your payout to 100% permanently! How can you beat that?!

June 9-11, 2006; The Great Banking Bucks 100% Rev Share Weekend!!!!

Get on board, get promoting, give us a go and get rich with the
Banking Bucks program!

The Banking Bucks Team
Allen Ingram
M Squared Productions
ICQ: 165105635
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