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Old 06-08-2006, 05:51 PM   #9
DonMike is I like toast
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I flagged traffic on a busy highway for my Dad's friend's construction company. I had a walkie talkie that I could barely hear through. The guy around the bend from me would tell me when cars were coming and I would rotate the sign to read "Stop" at my end, and when it was time for them to go I would rotate it to the "Slow" side. It was hot, I was miserable, the guys all talked about sports and chicks and I was totally disinterested. The workers took a two hour lunch break but they made me eat my lunch while standing on the road with my sign. And to make matters worse, when the guy on the walkie talkie would buzz in he wouldn't say "here comes a car" or "hold your traffic", he would mumble something like "blehgh" or "pfffteer" (at least that's what I would hear). So when I let a pinto go the same time he let a Mac truck go and they nearly collided, I knew it was time to quit.

Had the company not been owned by my Dad's best friend I probably would have walked. As it was, I lasted the day, thanked them for the job but told them I wouldn't be back.

One day. I thought that was a record until I read about Evil Chris' four hours. What the hell is candy floss anyway???
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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