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Old 06-08-2006, 11:47 PM   #10
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Originally Posted by Quagmire
I think the key things is to treat each affiliate with the same level of respect whether they are sending you 1 join a month or 1000 joins a month. You never know who is going to grow in to a whale in this industry and possibly be cutting your checks one day.
That's a very good point as well.

I can understand that some affiliates are/can be a royal pain the butt. There are some people who want everything, but they won't work to achieve it. They will try to exhaust the rep of every last bit of energy that person has and every last resource the company provides. The good affiliate managers realize that not everyone is the same, so they work with each person on an individual basis. They also know that just because affiliate (A) pissed them off that day, it's not affiliate (B's) problem.
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