Originally Posted by Janell
I needed tution money badly so I picked rocks for a farmer for a few weeks. It's funny how small a rock looks until you try to dig it out~
Oh I forgot about picking rocks. I did that lot's of times too.
In the town I grew up in, there were always farmers coming in to town looking for kids to come do jobs for them. Whether it be bailing hay, picking rocks or even "chicken picken". Essentially that was a two day job. The first day you're picking chickens out of their coop cages and putting them in crates (off to Campbell's soup they go), and the 2nd day putting new (and clean) chickens back into the cages for egg laying.
It was a very dirty and stinky job, but it did pay well. I didn't mind it too much because all my friends and I would get in on it.