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Old 06-09-2006, 12:28 PM   #14
Quagmire should edit this
I like to touch my peepee
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Originally Posted by Janell
I needed tution money badly so I picked rocks for a farmer for a few weeks. It's funny how small a rock looks until you try to dig it out~
I'm in a unique position allowing me to offer people some perspective to what you're talking about. I have a farm with horses and I've been clearing our paddocks of small apple trees and cedars than seem to love to grow in any open space. The rock in the picture started out sticking out of the ground roughly the size of half a bowling ball (about 10" around and 5" high)

The rock here is about 6 feet wide, and the part you can't see in the hole is down about 3+ feet. As you can see by its position we can't even drag it out with the tractor and figure its several tons.

After much thought I've decided to put the backhoe on the tractor, dig a hole slightly bigger than the rock and push the fucker in it and bury it.
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