Originally Posted by DonMike
BTW, Morgan, I just love reading your posts. They always brighten my day. 
Why, thank you and right back atcha, you sweetie!
It's long been a philosophy of mine and my husband's that if you can't brighten the world around you when you got out...stay the hell home.
We like to make people laugh, especially each other. To our total amazement, we get asked if we're newlyweds a lot. We were once asked that question at the grocery store by the clerk. The question caused my husband to put an arm around my shoulders and ask - in a voice that carried for aisles - "we've been together this long, had two children...don't you think it's about time we got married?" I didn't know who to kill first. The oh-so-funny husband on my right or the hysterically laughing teenager daughter on my left.