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Old 06-09-2006, 04:34 PM   #19
DonMike is I like toast
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Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
Ah...cotton candy.

That reminded me of another horrible job I had. I worked the snack counter at Targets in Louisville, KY, in the early '70's. One of the many reasons I got fired: rich white bitch tried pushing ahead to get her obviously much needed snack food. She nearly trampled a small black child to do it. I may have snarled at her, I'm not sure, but I said "I'm sorry, but he was here before you." (You would have had to live during the "honk if you're against school integration" times to fully appreciate this. The KKK actually had a march up a street by where I lived.) The small black child looked at me with huge eyes, part admiration and gratitude, part "oh, white lady, you are going to so pay for this somehow." (Very small children shouldn't have that good a grasp on reality. They really shouldn't.) Anyhoo, a complaint was lodged by the rich white bitch that I was rude.

True. I was rude. Trample a small black child because you think they belong at the back of the bus, so-to-speak, and I'm going to be rude. Count on it.
You know, you give me more and more reasons to adore you every day. How brave of you. I would have done the same thing.
Don Mike
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