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Old 06-09-2006, 10:09 PM   #11
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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It's real simple. Sign up to a bunch of affiliate programs. Load the FHG's with your ID code in them into your script. The TGP script will pull FHG's from the pile and plug them into your site at whatever setttings you set for an update. Bingo! You've got FHG's on your site automatically. It's called a fake TGP. This is how they are built.

Why would a site owner who has good quality traffic and lots of it, give up spots to the sponsors? If anything, they will charge for spots, charge for advertising, use their own galleries, and/or fill prime spots with FHG's that contain their ID code in them.

Yes, there are sponsors who do submit galleries on behalf of their affiliates. They either submit to a random list, and/or they work out a deal with the site owner. These galleries are not always FHG galleries either. If they were FHG's, what incentive would the site owner have to list them?

The site owner would be really foolish to list FHG's that contain someone elses ID code in them when the site owner can just join the sponsor, log into the affiliate area, download a bunch of galleries and import them into the script. It doesn't get any easier than that.

If the site owner is too lazy to import galleries once a week into a script, then that site owner has some serious issues.
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