Originally Posted by Panky
It's real simple. Sign up to a bunch of affiliate programs. Load the FHG's with your ID code in them into your script. The TGP script will pull FHG's from the pile and plug them into your site at whatever setttings you set for an update. Bingo! You've got FHG's on your site automatically. It's called a fake TGP. This is how they are built.
This gets old fast for surfers and they do not come back
Originally Posted by Panky
Why would a site owner who has good quality traffic and lots of it, give up spots to the sponsors? If anything, they will charge for spots, charge for advertising,....
Think about that one, I will not comment any further on this point
Originally Posted by Panky
The site owner would be really foolish to list FHG's that contain someone elses ID code in them ..... It doesn't get any easier than that.
Sure it does, they have the programs they promote do it for them