Thank you all ..
I started the Bday celebration day earlyt, mostly cus I needed the time at work on the actual day, SO No party on the actual Bday other then editing porn (Some of you might find that to be a private party, lol) How ever the night before, Some collegues took me to KAmasultra, With a couple of special invited guest that came to visit us (to cut some deals naturally) .. The night was topped off by a surpprise Guest that my cousin brought in .. Dennis Rodman .. All I can say is that Dennis party is LAme .. LOL
Friday night, I reserved for a family dinner .. Mmmm RoAsted Lamb!!
THen on saturday We had a Joint Bday Dinner with ... drum roll please ... Lightspeed Sweetums .. Woo Hoo .. We had a fantasic dinner and polished off a shit load of wine .. all in all was pretty nice week .. Now it's time to get back to work ...