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Old 06-14-2006, 04:06 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Angry Who owes you money? And are you bitter?

Over the years in this biz I am owed money by many different people and/or organizations. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Insite owed me some money when they went under, but they were quite public about officially going bankrupt. I don't really have any hard feelings there anyway, as I was privvy to most of what was going on there.

Porncash owed me a bunch when they just disappeared. I understand they owed a lot of money to a lot of people. Funny thing is that most of the "playas" got their money before Porncash went poof. I never did get the whole story on that, and people tend to be tight-lipped about it. Go figure.

Who owes you money?
Go ahead and out them here.

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chris at payze.com | ICQ 342827
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