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Old 06-14-2006, 10:15 PM   #12
Nickatilynx should edit this
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5 years ago I owned Netpond ( then the biggest Adult Webmaster Resource bar none)

I also part owned a large click broking firm.

Since then my gross income has declined , but my net has risen.

The differences?

Honestly its simple...KISS. Keep it simple stupid.

Then , I had probably 20 staff of which maybe 6 worked ...sometimes LOL.

Now I have consultants , priced for jobs , and people paid solely on performance.

The main differences I see now cmpared to then is the number of people in adult. Waaaayyyy more.

There seems to loads of people doing it part time to make beer money hoping one day to score big.

Today there is fewer big earners , more making a "normal " sort income , but classed as "playas"...

Oh and my golf handicap is lower
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