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Old 06-15-2006, 01:17 PM   #1
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default "My Space" comment/DonMike comment, too

My girls have reconnected with a LOT of lost school pals on my space. I know it's gotten a lot of bad press regarding trolling pedophiles, etc., but it's also done what it was intended to do.

DonMike...one of the friends my youngest reconnected with is a gay high school buddy. She was thrilled to discover that he's been in a five year committed relationship with a military guy who is now serving in Iraq.
I was glad to hear it, too. I ferried those kids everywhere in "Mom's Taxi." I used to tease him unmercifully every time he got in the car wearing too much cologne. (He was quite the self-obsessed one in high school.) However, he's grown and has developed the self-sacrifice it takes to follow his guy around the country to wherever he's been stationed. He's got a great relationship with his guy's Mom, so that (please no) the worst happens, she'll call him, because heaven knows the military (don't ask, don't tell, and heaven help you if somebody else does) won't. That, of course, set me off on a rant. The guy is good enough to fight and die for his country, but if they find out he's gay he's out on his ass. That's just so fucking wrong I can't deal with it.

My father was career Army. He came to see me once, on some kind of "Army business trip" and was traveling with a sergeant he knew was gay. My dad intoned (he tended to do that) "Man does his job." That, from my father, was one of the highest compliments that could ever be given. Now, if my father, who did two tours in Vietnam and hence came from a generation that was totally uncomfortable with people who were in any way different, could cope with a gay sergeant.... I have no real finish for that sentence, except "what the fuck is WRONG with this country????"
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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