Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
It's "Rosie lee" , and that isn't Australian its cockney ryhming slang
Going up the apples to bed = apples and pears = stairs
I'm off for a quick jodrell = jodrell bank =wank.
With me?
It was invented for vilains to talk privately in Victorian Era without evesdroppers understanding
Jesus fucking Christ , sometimes , Chris you are a total merchant.I mean even a Richard would understand that.... ;-)))
Whats the difference between an Australian and a Canadian?
The Ozzies Great Great grandfather got caught? ;-)))

Nick...I thought we agreed. You wouldn't pull out the damned Cockney rhyming slang and I wouldn't shoot you in the...putter.
Damn, there was absolutely NOTHING worse than having that shit come at you blindside over the phone, to horrifically mix metaphors.