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Old 06-16-2006, 02:35 PM   #9
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
It's "Rosie lee" , and that isn't Australian its cockney ryhming slang


Going up the apples to bed = apples and pears = stairs

I'm off for a quick jodrell = jodrell bank =wank.

With me?

It was invented for vilains to talk privately in Victorian Era without evesdroppers understanding

Jesus fucking Christ , sometimes , Chris you are a total merchant.I mean even a Richard would understand that.... ;-)))

Whats the difference between an Australian and a Canadian?
The Ozzies Great Great grandfather got caught? ;-)))

Nick...I thought we agreed. You wouldn't pull out the damned Cockney rhyming slang and I wouldn't shoot you in the...putter.

Damn, there was absolutely NOTHING worse than having that shit come at you blindside over the phone, to horrifically mix metaphors.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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