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Old 06-22-2006, 01:36 PM   #6
Bhelliom should edit this
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Shitfuck? Morgan your Volcabulary is expanding.

I agree with your 100%. I read the article yesterday about myspace being sued for 30 mil and laughed my ass off.

They're going to win the case as well and just prove to themselves that they're being good parents, when in reality they should have been paying attention to what their daughter was doing. I've always said that myspace is crawling with predators and that sites like that shouldn't exist. But who am I to say anything?

As much as I would have hated it when I was that age, computers should NOT be allowed in kids room, or anywhere private for that matter. Children need tobe taught that while a lot of people meet online and have real relationships... they should not be giving out personal information and meeting complete strangers even if they think they "know" the person...

How in the name of god do you Con your parents in to getting a passport?

What really happened:
Child "Mom I know you're a stupid cunt so can I have a passport?"
mom "why dear?"
Child "So uhhh... I can go to a club"
Mom "You're underage"
Chile "its all ages"
mom "ok that makes sense no problem"

What should have happened

Child "Mom I think you're a stupid cunt so can I have a passport?"
mom "why dear?"
Child "So uhhh... I can go to a club"
Mom "You're underage"
Child "its all ages"
mom "then you don't need ID"
Child "they require it"
Mom "take your birth certificate"
Child "Fuck"
Mom "oh and you're grounded from ever going on the internet again. "
Mom then proceeds to beat child for thinking about going to the middle east
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