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Old 06-22-2006, 01:49 PM   #7
Bhelliom should edit this
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Oh and as for the nothing beats good parenting....

THere's no such thing as good parenting. Each and ever generation has problems with the ways their parents raised them.

Which is why we're at a point where instead of parents being parents they're being controlled by their children.

They're so afraid of being seen as unfit parents and not doing something that every other parents does that they completely capitulate and let the damned kid do whatever they want.

Used to be when a kid said "but everyone else can do it/has one/ is getting it done/is flying to the middle east to meet pedophiles" the parents would simply respond with "and if they all jumped off a bridge, would you? " and that was it.

Not when same kid says the same thing... parents run out like their asses are on fire and get it for them.

No wonder we're spoiled, and college/university/high school graduates these days expect to automatically get a 100K/year + job the instant they're done school.

Children and teenagers are evil sneaky conniving human beings that need to be watched closely, especially on something as anonymous as the internet. There is so much out there that can lead them astray.

Then once caught the child needs to be properly punished/spanked/have amenities removed so that they learn its not all about them.

I was spanked as a child as i'm sure most of you were... and look.. none of you don't have any more severe childhood traumas than anyone else.

Phew wow... how much did that set me off? I'm better now.... stupid children adn stupid parents... don't let your damned kids use something that has become so mainstream for children to get access to in the last 5 years parents don't realise the same has been true or people who WANT to be anonymous and do illegal things.

The problem isn't entirely parents... I'll give them that... the problem is that the technology and the interweb have exploded and become so mainstream in the last 5 years that older people (no offense to any of you) don't have an understanding of how it works or what can happen, they can barely turn on the computer without their kids help so they assume that the kid knows what's best online... not true.

It's not about bad parenting... as parents would be more careful if they KNEW how to protect their kids or even what the dangers were. The problem is that parents don't know. it's not bad parenting... its lack of education.

I'm done.

Sorry about that
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