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Old 06-26-2006, 09:07 AM   #1
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Default PussyCash Sumo Summer Clarification!

Since some webmasters had questions regarding PussyCash's Sumo Summer Campaign, we wanted to make sure everyone was clear on the payouts:

When you send your traffic to ImLive, you choose to get paid either PPS (per sign-up) or Rev Share.

If you choose to get paid per sign-up, we'll pay you $70 FOR EVERY SIGN-UP, STARTING FROM THE VERY FIRST SIGN-UP!!! Yup, $70 per sign-up from the first sign-up.

If you choose to send your traffic through the Rev Share program, we'll pay you 20% of everything your sign-ups spend at ImLive… for the entire lifetime of their memberships! Since many of ImLive's members spend more than $5000 per year VideoChatting with our Hosts, you could earn more than $1000 per sign-up!

With payouts like these, it's no wonder some webmasters couldn't believe how incredible this Sumo Summer really is. But PussyCash is here to assure you that when you send your traffic to ImLive through July 31st, you'll earn FAT FAT FAT bank.

You'd better believe it, baby!

We've got tons of brand new promo tools at your disposal, so click here to make the most of Sumo Summer.

If you're not yet a PussyCash affiliate, now's the time to join us.
Mix Business with Pleasure

ICQ: 174167541
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