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Old 06-30-2006, 10:45 PM   #51
stonegatherer should edit this
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris
stonegatherer called me last night and bitched me out on the phone about how the USA had been eliminated from the World Cup of soccer.

I was like, "Hey stonegatherer! I'm not even a fan of soccer and I didn't even know you were!"

There is a thread about me??????

Yes I called Chris's, I didn't know he lived there though, the girl that slipped
me the number never said anything about a boyfriend.

And I wasn't really bitching that the US was eliminated. I was using irony.
Soccer is the sport that all the parents in the USA push there kinds into
when they can't hit, catch, shoot, or etc.

My nephew plays in some "scoreless" soccer league. They don't keep
score. Well I talked to him about the object of the game, I told him kick the
ball into the net. Next game he went out and score six of the teams
eight goals. GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! as they'd say during a WC match on the
Korean channel.

The WC isn't bad to watch. I would not sit around and watch whatever the
USA soccer league is on tv. Brazil is going to win according to the numbers
I have put together. truthfully though, I don't care who wins, as long as
it isn't France.
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