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Old 07-02-2006, 03:41 PM   #1
blazi should edit this
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Default I need your linkdumps!!

If you own/operate any linkdumps that are not on my list here: Blazing Hot Adult Link Dumps, please send me an eMail @ info at blazinghotporn dot com with your linkdump URL so I can add it to my list. A recip is not required, but appreciated of course. I need to refresh my list because there are a few URL's that are now dead links. I'll be updating this list during the next few days. Please don't list them here, only eMail requests will be accepted. In your eMail please use the following title: "PLEASE ADD MY LINKDUMP" so I know it's not spam and don't simply delete it. I want good clean linkdumps, no crap such as dialers or illegal sites of course that's just common sense!!
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