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Old 07-05-2006, 08:36 PM   #5
Quagmire should edit this
I like to touch my peepee
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See, if you piss your money away on online gambling then you won't have anything left to piss away on the (state funded) lottery, or buying cheap chinese sweatshop products peddled to you at rock bottom prices at (Wal-mart) a local merchant that (lobbies millions of dollars) employs thousands of americans (at horribly low minimum wage) that props up the (painfully weak at present) US economy.

Maybe i'm a bit jaded because I'm a Canadian looking at the problem from outside of the problem. Or maybe I'm saying it because I've worked in and with the industry for years. If the USA would embrace online gambling and tax and regulate it they would make a mint. The USA could be a complete powerhouse in the online gaming industry if they would raise a nice big middle finger to the religious right and say "fuck you".
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