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Old 07-07-2006, 11:57 AM   #1
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Default Who Do You Look Like???

Okay, at least once in your life you have been told that you look like a celebrity, which one was it and do you think they are right or totally wrong....now keep in mind I know you look like you but this is not the day for that thread...hehe

I will go first:

one sunday morning when I used to eat Micky D's I put my coat on over my pj's and went. When I got to the counter the girl who I thought was going to take my order starts screaming and pointing at me, I turn around but no one was behind me and she says "I can't believe that Jada Pinkette Smith is in this McDonalds.....LOL of course I laff and tell her do you think If I were her I would be in this McDonalds.....hahaha

Incase you don't know who she is, she is married to Will Smith and was in the Matrix.

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