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Old 07-21-2006, 01:42 PM   #27
DonMike is I like toast
You need Gay content
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Originally Posted by Ronaldo
Our industry is a reflection of society Don and until society changes it's views, it isn't going to get much better.

I actually take the opposite view of what you think though. BECAUSE we work in a sexually charged industry, I would have thought that most people would realize that someone's choice of a partner, is just that...their choice. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

You're always going to have people use terms like fag and homo, and sometimes I don't even think they truly mean it in a derogatory way. They're just words to some people. Not understanding what they mean to a gay person, is an entirely different matter.
Good post, Ron. Actually society is getting better. A little at a time. Ten years ago we could never have had a TV channel like Logo or shows like Queer Eye and Will & Grace. But you know, the people in the industry I've met with an open mind are really open minded. When Madame brings out her wooden spoons or Dark Lady talks about goth/fetish things or I joke around about my own bizzarre interests, people aren't put off by it. Even if it's so far out of thier own interests, they are always really open and inviting. So you are right that the sexually charged atmosphere we work in does have a positive effect on people as well. If you work in a bank and you find out your co-worker is into bdsm, it's could be a huge shock and maybe really cause some discomfort. But when you find out one of your colleagues in our industry is into bdsm you say, "Oh, I promote some of those sites", or "You mean like Madame's blog? Cool." It really is an amazing industry we work in. And because of that the negative aspects don't seem so bad. They end up being like a mosquito at a picnic. You wish you didn't have to deal with it, but overall they are something you can deal with and still really enjoy yourself.
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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