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Old 07-21-2006, 01:50 PM   #28
leedsfan should edit this
God's third leg
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I think it's learning everything I have about the net, site building, empire building at my own pace, without having to justify my hours to anyone. I love working from my office (no, i dont work from home). We built out a custom fitted 2500 sq ft production studio with lovely offices, and the staff have their own kitchen, lounge area...thats great. To be able to say I can provide for them and their families is awesome.

I try to take our projects to the cutting edge of whats possible technologically, and thats fun. I get a big kick out of that. My wife and I work together, which is a wonderful gift. We get to share ideas, plan our personal and professional futures ourselves, not through someone else's company and their paycheck.

Things i dislike most has to be how business deals get done at trade shows, and then never followed through. Bugs the the crap out of me. If i talk with you about doing something together, you can bet your bottom dollar its going to happen from my end!

I like the freedom of deciding if I golf or work!!! (always a tough decision)

Money is a big factor. I strive to be a multi millionaire. I have two businesses, and want dozens more. The drive i see in others from our industry is a huge motivator. When you see someone at a show who has made millions in their niche pushes me to work harder, and I love that feeling....

Generally the people in our space are very smart, warm hearted and generous. There are those who i find to be too materially minded and lack substance in their characters but they are rare. It's great to spend time with those who love to live, love to learn and love to do business, thats the most enjoyable asset we have....tons of those kind of people.....
Allen Ingram
M Squared Productions
ICQ: 165105635
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