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Old 07-21-2006, 01:52 PM   #29
Bec should edit this
Erotic by Design
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I'd have to agree with what most everyone else has said about all the different people we get to know and maybe even meet. I've made some fantastic friends online, many of which I consider part of my "family of choice".

Logging onto various boards on any given day presents you with the opinions and brilliance (and sometimes outright stupidity) of those that make up this industry. Discussions aren't just about business, but about life, politics and social issues. I've learned more about the world from industry folks than I have in 30 plus years of watching the 10 o'clock news.

I love working from home, even though I did a career path for 30 years that mandated getting up and punching a time clock, it never felt "right" for me. Circumstances pushed the envelope, and now I'm on my own. While learning and using all the technology can be frustrating at times, I am the eternal student, and everyday brings something new and challenging. I can learn at my own pace, or when really clueless I can usually open up ICQ and find someone to explain what I'm not quite "getting" ... on just about any topic from design to marketing, to the best place to stay in any given city, or the best wine to serve at dinner. Bottom line, we're real people and we have a LOT of cumulative knowledge!

Being online has made the world a much smaller place, and has enriched me in ways I can't even begin to describe.
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