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Old 07-28-2006, 03:31 AM   #1
doreen_cjtraffic should edit this
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Red face FREE Traffic from CJTraffic.com!!

Damn it's HOT this summer! Hopefully the heat wave will keep people inside surfing the web instead of outside surfing the waves. Still, we at CJTraffic.com are here as always to help you battle the dreaded Summer Slowdown and we've got some great specials and new sources of traffic to help out!

First, have you gotten your site reviewed for FREE on our www.pornsavvy.com site yet? PornSavvy is getting massive amount of traffic and we're averaging conversion rates of 1/35!! The site has been up and running now for six months and we're proud to say has better functionality and more free content than any review site out there! All this content and functionality, along with daily blog articles has made the site a regular daily stop for our surfers who are averaging three visits a week to the site! Head over to the Webmasters Page to get your site put in the queue to be reviewed!

Next, we've got some great specials going on over at CJTraffic.com including several freebies just for buying ANYTHING, even a $40 spot! We know a lot of you are getting ready for the Internext show so we're extending these "End of the Month Specials" through 8/3/06!

Free Home Page Editorials:
Our Home Page Editorials (HPE's) deliver the most targeted traffic possible with a full article written about your offering and a celebrity endorsement from the writing staff of the SickSiteNetwork. Of course getting a second HPE always delivers more traffic and helps expand your brand across our network. That's why we're giving them away! Buy a HPE on ConsumptionJunction.com and get a FREE HPE on FreakHole.com ($460 Value). Buy a HPE on SteakandCheese.com and get a FREE HPE on RevengeWorld.com ($375 Value).

Free Video Sponsorships:
Video Sponsorships (VS's) make your advertisement part of the content that our millions of monthly visitors come to see. We seed our daily content updates with a video clip from your site. Unlike our normal video posts, the VS's have a 320x60 banner above the video, and a short editorial below the video. The banner, the video, and the text are all clickable to your website. Because your ad is part of the content of the site it gets in front of millions of eyeballs, but at the same time it sends over very qualified traffic because they'll only click over if they are interested in the type of content they just saw (from your site). We're keeping the Special easy for the VS's: buy 2 / get 1 FREE! This discount is available for each of our site or even if you buy a Run of Network VS ($1540 Value).

25% Off Floating Ads:
Pop-ups and exit consoles suck. So we came up with something our surfers actually enjoy. Click here to look at examples of our Floating Ads. These are flash based ads that "float" over the page. We hand draw and animate each one we do for our customers to make them truly entertaining so our surfers enjoy watching them. These ads really get surfers attention! We sell them on a cost per click basis and we're offering a 25% discount!

Other Freebies!

FREE Priority Review on PornSavvy.com: anyone that buys ANYTHING from us and requests a review of their site on PornSavvy.com will get bumped to the top of the review queue. We get so many requests for reviews that the wait is normally two weeks, but buy any traffic campaign from us and you're at the top of the list!

FREE Home Page Editorial on PornSavvy.com: If you are one of the first ten customers to remit payment to us on a campaign, you'll get a whole article written up on the Home Page of PornSavvy.com praising your site and linking to the review of the site. A great review and staff endorsement of the site off the home page drives massive amounts of extremely high quality traffic to your site!

FREE Sponsor of the Week 120x240 Banner Position on Linkings.com: Our newest site, Linkings.com, is a daily-updated link list site of all the best content on the web and is already getting more than fifty thousand daily visitors! We've got a 120x240 Banner Position on every page of the site where we highlight the Sponsor of the Week. Buy a campaign for $3000 or more, and you get that spot for a full week!

So that's it. Please get in touch with us ASAP as we've got to collect payment on a campaign by 8/3/06 in order to give you these discounts! We've got great traffic, great prices, and even better specials: all to help you beat the Summer Slowdown! Also, if you're heading down to Internext, I'm a panelist on the Marketing Masterminds Seminar. Be sure to catch it as I'll be sharing information about our entirely new ad network for adult and non-adult: MadisonAvenue.com. This service will leverage standard ad inventory of a wide network of sites (more than just those of the SickSiteNetwork.com) and our new Viral Video marketing service that generated over 100,000,000 video views and more than 10,000,000 visits to the site for Marc Ecko's StillFree Campaign!
Email: doreen@cjtraffic.com
Ad Management Specialist - CJTraffic.com[/size]
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