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Old 07-31-2006, 08:58 AM   #26
Evil Chris
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Originally Posted by Mr. Blue
I got a question about cellphones....does it ever annoy you that you can always be reached? Personally I feel a little caged in at times knowing that if I go for a long peaceful walk somewhere someone can call me about business and completely annoy me. Oh sure, You can shut the cell off, but then the person usually bitches at you after the fact.
I totally agree with you. I would love to simply cancel my service and be done with the damn mobile phone. It's crazy that we're all so accessible now, and mobile phones aren't simple communication devices as they once were. They're cameras, agendas, game consoles, and music players now. Basically they are becoming expensive (and disposable) time-wasters. All we are doing is buying into the commercial rhetoric that we NEED these fucking things to function in our daily lives when really we don't. All we're now doing is driving a previously monopolized section of the market (telephone services).

Fuck... we're all zombies.

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