08-11-2006, 04:34 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Yeah that's a real healthy and stable relationship. I feel so sorry for the kid. My guess is, the mom is all healed up and back in full swing again and the daughter suddenly became competition. Friction started, the girl got pissed, started telling another adult knowing all to well that she could win the war against her mom and the story unfolds.
Regardless of whatever transpired, whether the teen was a willing participant or whether she went along with it to not disappoint her mom, reality will hit one day and she will grow up knowing her mom pimped her out. That her own mother actually conceived such an idea and then implemented it, placing her own and her boyfriends needs over that of her own daughter. That's really, really sad. Hopefully the kid gets some good counselling before she begins to self destruct.