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Old 08-14-2006, 03:31 PM   #11
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Originally Posted by Sin
It blows my mind, the thought processes which must've taken place...

"He won't love me anymore if I have a valid medical excuse to not have sex"
"...But he'll love me if I pimp out my underage daughter to him!"

....I shudder to think of not only the lack of morality that the mother must have, but that the boyfriend must as well,... although (and no offense boys) I suppose it could just be attributed to he's a red blooded male and took an opportunity when presented.

sadly I think this was his doing - "you know your going to be out of commission a few months - what am I going to do for sex?"

if your only thinking of yourself then you will manipulate any relationship to get what you want. The mother on the other hand, I have to blame more since she put her 'guy' over her own 'flesh and blood'. I dont care who it is, you dont sell family like that... not too mention she was probably to self conscious and needy that she was desparate for affection. The girl, well she will listen to whatever mom says.

that is my guess - but I blame the mom for it and the guy for not being able to love enough to wait

Skype: robjameswarren

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