08-15-2006, 01:33 PM
should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 2
xBucks: 142
Online adult entertainment retail merchandise website for sale and bonus website included: ExoticLifestyles.com plus, SexxTalk.com. The sites can be managed part time, from a location with a reliable Internet connection. The site ExoticLifestyles.com has a current product listing on the site of over 5,000 adult sex toys, movies and/or sexually oriented products. The site SexxTalk.com was launched in July 2006. You determine your profit margins for ExoticLifestyles.com. Products currently listed on the storefront are drop shipped directly from our current wholesale supplier, no need to stock inventory. The website ExoticLifestyles.com and its storefront are hosted by a reputable firm on an advanced-dedicated Server which provides 24 hour support. Payment processing is done through a recognized lace>USAlace> residing Merchant Account provider. We currently accept MasterCard, Discover and Visa for merchandise on the site. The site has been optimized for SE placement. Owner looking to sell due to other business obligations. Combined asking price for both websites is $125,000.00 OBO. Contact marketing@exoticlifestyles.com for more information on these Adult Entertainment Website businesses for sale.ffice ffice" />>>