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Old 08-16-2006, 01:31 PM   #1
IWantU_Jeff should edit this
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Default IWantU.com goes crazy for 6million! 2$ NO RATIO promo

In honour of our 6millionth member we've decided to go all out!

From August 16th (at midnight) until we reach our 6millionth member we will pay you $2.00 per profile (Male/Female/Couple)…

Now whats crazy about that?

- NO RATIO!! Even if you convert or not, you get $2.00 flat per free profile!
- No email confirmation needed.

Why should you worry about your conversion? that's our job!

If thats not enough then we are also going to give away $10,000 for the affiliate who refers the 6 millionth member…
Yes $10,000 just like that !!

If you are a current affiliate then you don’t need to create new campaigns, all you need to do is send more traffic to your PPP campaign and you automatically take advantage of the promo. If you do not have an account, Visit
http://affiliates.iwantu.com and register NOW !!

Did you check out our Profile ad tool?? IwantU.com Allows you to create your own ad with profiles that best fits your site. Check out a sample.

For any questions or comments, please contact your account Manager:

Rosalia Lara, Affiliate Manager - 545249
Jennyfer, Affiliate Coordinator – 564203
Jeff, Affiliate Coordinator – 528178

For your business proposals please contact:

Sam, Marketing Director - 551938
Varius, Head of Special Projects - 520468

Earn BIG with IwantU.com!

Our members get laid and our Affiliates get paid!!

Disclaimer: Anyone caught cheating the system will be immediately blocked without pay. North American and European Traffic only.

Jeff Brown
ICQ: 528-178
Our members get laid and our affiliates get paid
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