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Old 08-16-2006, 03:17 PM   #1
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Default WEGCash Launches TWO CUSTOM PAYSITES! Pink&Perfect & MILFVixen! (pics)

So far this summer, WEGCash has been adding new sites left right and center! TODAY is no exception. We have just added TWO more CUSTOM Paysites into the mix!



Hosted Promotional Materials are available for both PinkandPerfect and MILFVixen:

FPA's, HPA's, Standard and Odd-Sized Banners.
PLUS FHG's! (Note: we have REMOVED Javascript from ALL our FHG's!)

Great Payouts:
With consoles pays $36 to $40 per paid trial signup,
Without consoles pays $30 to $34 per paid trial signup

AND Both PinkandPerfect and MILFVixen have a special place in our Random Bonus Days held throughout August - we're paying $60 per signup on selected days for these hot sites!

So here's some GREAT news for you: our NEXT Random Bonus Day is TOMORROW, August 17th!!

Make $100 per FuckHerRight signup
$60 per Custom Paysite signup, and
$2 per Join4Free signup!

Make sure to get your links up so you can capitalize on these hot new sites with your traffic and make excellent payouts at the same time!

Remember, WEGCash always pays, has great conversions and offers special loyalty bonuses (make up to an extra 8% of your revenue EVERY month!) and Cash back rewards for volume signups. These bonuses are available to every WEGCash affiliate based on certain traffic/signup requirements.

Got questions? Need help getting started? Just get in touch with any of our friendly affiliate reps for assistance!

Gabe - ICQ #142-295-729

Ruth - ICQ #233-854-608

Cory - ICQ #292-310-358

James (gay specialist) - ICQ #160-001-441

And now, here's some eye-candy..

She's pink and perfect!

MILF alert!!
ICQ# 142295729
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