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Old 08-22-2006, 12:14 PM   #1
Bhelliom should edit this
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Default American Hero

This guy is my new Hero. Read this craigslist post.


some highlights

I head out onto PCH, and drive less than a mile... when MB's finest pulls me over...

WTF? I know I wasn't speeding. The officer comes up to the car, and asks for my license and insurance card... I hand over the license, and tell him I'm not sure where the insurance card is - 'it's my son's car'... "look in the glovebox" (he is - actually - smiling now)...

I open the glovebox... and a small BONG falls out... I look at him... he looks at me... This is not happening! Oh, but it is. The first thing I say is 'it's not mine!'... "um, sir, could you step out of the car, please"...
She does not know that I just found out my son is in Summer school, because of bad grades. She doesn't know that DMV has provided me with her, and his, records; apparently they have a problem with obeying traffic laws.
Come see us for Great Traffic.
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