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Old 08-23-2006, 12:29 PM   #4
gunner should edit this
your head in my bag
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Originally Posted by DonMike
You know what gets me about this. How does a father not notice all those changes in the kid's car? I mean, I can see if it's one or two details or if he had just pimped his ride the night before, but come on. He was too lenient and now he's going to crack down. Here's a novel idea, how about you get to know your family. Hey, how about skipping your three martini lunch and your afterwork dinner meeting and take your family out for a meal where you all sit and... oh, I don't know, talk. Novel concept, huh? The guy's upset over his kid's bong so he's gonna stop for a drink before he reams the kid out? Now that's setting a good example.

I know a parent can't be around their kids 24/7, but if he hadn't noticed major changes to the kid's car then something's very wrong.

he acts like this all just happend overnight. I'd say things had been getting away from him for quite some time.
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