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Old 08-28-2006, 05:54 PM   #1
Mr. Blue
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Default Will XNations be the next?

Before I start this...Panky, you're not allowed to laugh.

I'm on a quest, yes, a quest that harkens back to the knights of yore

I'm trying to get the mrblue named smiley on every adult forum. So far two have fallen to this smiley and XNations is the next conquest in this mission.

I'm just saying...ask Panky, I'm as annoying as hell when I'm on a quest, so you might as well just give up now and add the Mr. Blue smiley, named mrblue, and just give up now. I'm not even asking for the second mrblue2 smiley, that'll come later...but for now...see attached.
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