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Old 09-01-2006, 11:11 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Link sites software - X-Power Links II

Hi guys

I have finished work on X-Power Links new release.

X-Power Links 2 - Static Edition is ready now!

The major new features are:

Administration panel new features:
- Multiuser admin interface with access restrictions: admin,reviewer,editor,designer, etc. You can create your own roles, new users and edit their permissions.
- Separated sponsored links database. It can contain various site types such as pay sites, free hosted sites and so on. They are rotated in listings
- Ability to upload thumbnail (screenshot) to a regular or sponsored link
- PHP code works inside templates
- Very useful review section. Review process became more simple and easy
- Mass review actions: approve/decline with determined links range
- Partner accounts!
- Partner account can have expire date (for pay accounts)
- Partner account can be limited to post from determined list of domains
- Partner account requests review
- Submission form can be closed in a few clicks
- Link exchange database. Index trades and easy category trades are supported!!!
- Trade with scheme A > B, B > C also supported
- Ability to check trade reciprocal link presence and various cheats on a page
- Outgoins mails in HTML format
- Link checker. It will check reciprocal link presence and various cheats. Detects rel="nofollow" cheat
- Trade checker
- Advanced blacklist with comments
- A list of search queries your visitors use on your site

Front-End new features:
- Software builds static pages. Your project can handle high traffic, also static pages are completely SEO compatible.
- Link trades can be displayed only at first page of listing
- Very flexible submission form
- Galleries can be rejected automatically
- Auto approve partner submissions feature
- Disable non-partner submissions feature
- Link title and description auto transformations
- And tons of other submission form options
- Partner accounts request form
- Full-text search through links database
- very powerful template system and more simple versus Version 1.x, but absoutely incompatible

- Friendly support

Projects already working on v2:
- http://all-sex-links.com/ (Leader of X-Power Links, our own project)
- http://www.bookmarksex.com/
- http://www.online-sex-place.com/

Submit your free sites there

- Order demo in official website

Prices version 2:
- $350 for first domain
- $150 for each next
- +$70..120 to transfer from third party application to xpowerlinks with saving database, design and URLs structure. Any 3rd party software supported.

Prices version 1:
- $100 per domain
- no transfers supported

Upgrade from v1 to v2:
- For old clients: software upgrade is free. template conversion (if your site is already working) costs $70
- For new clients: software upgrade $250. templates conversion $70

More information:

Thank you
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