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Old 09-05-2006, 03:56 PM   #18
MarkTiarra should edit this
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Hey Chris:

In the 10 yrs or so I have been keeping data for my own sites and clients who participate in the data mining, I have found that the return to the school season has consisently brought back a rise in traffic and sales. There could be any number of theories as to why and some more obvious than others but the data itself is plain and the same every year.

A couple other trends:

- Sales decrease around U.S. election times.
- Sales decrease when major news events are happening.
- Sales increase briefly right after XMAS (this trend has diminished in recent years though)
- There appears to be a somewhat predictable pattern to credit card scrubbing percentages per company,

Also there are some trends as to which days of the week are best based on certain niches of sites. They coincide with the typical customer profile for said sites from everything I have gathered.

Hope any of that is useful. Like I said, I've been collecting data for years and have had the fortunate advantage of being able to do so from many many sources instead of just my own myopic world view.
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