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Old 09-05-2006, 04:34 PM   #5
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Winnipeg is dying to get their NHL franchise back. Quebec City would be another option.
Dude, don't get me started.

As much as I'd LOVE to see a team back in Winnipeg, the city just can't afford it long term. They DON'T have the support everyone claims they do.

Yeah, I was at playoff games with the "White Out" (which incidentally was started by Washington, NOT Winnipeg) and the atmosphere may have been unmatchable anywhere in the league. But I was also at games the first week of February during a cold snap with Hartford in town and only 7,000 people in the stands.

While I have little doubt that they'd have a great 2,3 even 4 seasons of great attendance, barring a Stanley Cup contender, the love affair would end and attendance would start to dwindle.

The Arena? Fuck me. The NDP government did everything in their power to STOP a new arena from being built when they were the opposition and a small window for the Jets staying remained. They succeeded. Then they got into power and helped build a new arena. An arena for a MINOR league team that, by attendance standards, is TOO SMALL for an NHL team anyways. Sure the luxury boxes are a bonus over the old arena, but with a maximum attendance of 15,500 or something like that, it's just too small for an NHL team nowadays. If it isn't now, in 10 years it would be. So if they were GONNA build an arena, why not throw an extra 1500 seats in there and look to a possible NHL return?

/end rant
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