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Old 12-03-2002, 01:52 PM   #10
Mister X
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Default Re: Helpoutarookie.com

Originally posted by Fullcontactfighter
Hello All!,

And welcome to helpoutarookie.com, here you will be helping me, the rookie!...lol

Seriously, thanks alot in advance for checking out this post.

I have mentioned in another thread that i am new here, and very inexperienced. I do wish to succeed as all of us do in the world of adult entertainment , but ive noticed im going about it all wrong.

I just want to get started, i do have a website of my own that is hurting big time!

ok....i wish to make it big in selling other people's site memberships. I do have affiliates and working only with hosted galleries just because im having trouble creating my own.....ok, so i have the galleries....can anyone tell me the next step?.....lol

Thanks alot for everyone's help, i'll definately buy everyone a pizza!

When you say you have affiliates I assume you mean that you have signed up with one of the cash programs and you're promoting them. First thing is that hosted galleries will never bring you much coin if you submit them to tgp's unless it's a fairly small/new program with low exposure. All the worthwhile tgp's have already seen that gallery 50 times.
Now if you're linking to those hosted galleries from your site that's fine. I use some hosted galleries on my tgp. In that case what you need is twofold. You need a surfer to click the link on your index page to visit that hosted gallery and then you need them to clickthrough to your sponsor. Well I guess you also need them to join up with that sponsor, but that's a given. Just having the sponsors banners on your index and or catalog pages is a simpler proposition. If they are shopping for dvds or toys already you probably don't need to show them extra dirty pictures to put them in the mood for porn.
The most important thing you need is trafic, traffic, traffic. You might consider buying some hits to get you started. You can do link trades with compatible sites like tgps to get them to your site. You can't really do any traffic trading like tgps do if you're selling products because it would be pretty bad for business to be redirecting potential buyers to a trade partner.
Another option might be getting some of your own content and starting a free site on the same domain with lots of cross linkage. You can then get that free site listed in a lot more places than you can get a dvd/toy site listed and bring in free traffic that way.

Good Luck. Hopefully I gave you a couple of things to think about at least.
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