unfortunately bitterness and lack of value of life is not friends to any one group or it would be easy to simply round up all Goths etc. and stop future killings. Those in ivy league schools to trailer parks also fall prey to the mindset of how much life is hated and the inner desire to go out in a blaze of glory - taking anyone and everyone in their wake - to be remembered.
we live in a world where fear and the worship of those who can create it reigns. Gangs are sought after by kids not just for their companionship but perceived protection - guns give the illusion of power - and to see people screaming / running from you means in this day and age - that you are as God... something to be feared and taken seriously.
Death itself was not his only goal - or he would have committed suicide in front of cops without killing anyone. He as many people today want - is respect and a sense that others will look and pay attention to them. Sadly - society is set up to fester more of these mental problems rather than cure them - but we all - have the potential to go postal. Some of us are more tolerant than others while few of us actually have learned to cope in a world that kids simply haven't been taught to cope in
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato