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Old 09-20-2006, 09:38 AM   #1
Vid Vicious
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Default The Canadian Adult market

Had an interesting conversation last night about the Canadian market, How large it is, Where its going and how does it compare to the US market.

A large part of the convo was about its beginings. For myself, its beginings were in 1998 thats when I got started, as far as I know there were only a handful of companies, some that set presidance for Canadian producers, the one I talked about was Sweet Entertainment of Vancouver. The convo went on to discuss movers and shakers. Oddly enough I was named in that group .. it was a shock to me .. but what wasn t a shock where the names of some of the guys I started out with, Dugmor and our very own Evil Chris ...

What are your thoughts on this subject ? .. I d love to get a webmasters prespective .. since mine is solely based on content and my own experiences in the last 6 years.
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